About Manchester

Brand Toolkit - Photography


Using Manchester Images

Photography is a primary element in telling the Manchester story, and high quality imagery and consistency in style is critical to all communications. Photos should reflect the same messaging as written text, and be focused through Manchester’s brand lenses, bringing to light messages of community, growth, intimacy, safe and sound, and excellence.

Read more about photography usage in the Brand Standards manual on pages 44-47.

Download Manchester University photos on Flickr (free downloads)

Stock photography

Whenever possible, Manchester photos should be used in marketing communications, but occasionally, a need arises in which either an appropriate photo isn't available or the photo needed is symbolic or metaphoric in nature, whereby stock photography is suitable. In these cases, download photos from stock photography sites such as BigStock Photo or iStock Photo. There is a fee for images from these sites.

NEVER download and use images from Google images or copy images from any other website that are not designated for public use to avoid copyright infringement.

Capturing Your Own Images

With the convenience of mobile device photography, it's really easy to take your own photos or to collect photos shared by others. Be aware, however, whether planning to use photos in social media, on the website or in a printed publication, of these guidelines for usage:
  • If a photo will be used for a commercial purpose, consent is required by individuals in the photo. Publishing the photo in any University publication, on the University website or on one of Manchester's sanctioned social media sites would qualify as commercial purpose.
  • Members of Manchester's community (students, faculty and staff) have consensually agreed during their hiring or registration to be photographed for the purpose of marketing the University.
  • When photographing people outside our University community (students, faculty, staff), consent to publish photography or video of an individual cannot be assumed. This is especially important regarding minors. Consent can only be official by the signing of a model release form. Never publish a photo in print or electronically that features an individual who has not signed a consent form (model release).

    Certain exceptions apply, including photos where individuals are not easily recognizable and the blurring of identities post-capture. If considering whether an exception applies to your photo, please consult the Office of Marketing.
  • Whenever posting to any Manchester University social media site, whether our main site or one of its satellites for an academic program, athletic team or student organization, remember that your post represents Manchester University and liability is assumed by the University. Post responsibly. 
Other photography resources
Use these model release forms to get signatures from individuals requiring consent. Model releases for minors must by signed by a parent or guardian.


Video from the Office of Marketing

Staff in Manchester’s Office of Marketing take photos and create videos to market the University in institutional marketing materials, on the website and in social media. Projects are aligned with the University’s enrollment goals, strategic priorities and institutional marketing initiatives. It is not the role of marketing staff to capture photos or create videos that don’t serve a marketing function for the University, or to capture photography/video to record events for archival purposes. 

If you have a video project that meets this criteria, use this form to request video production from the Office of Marketing.

Manchester YouTube Channel

Manchester’s Office of Marketing staff produces videos for the University’s website and social media. Most often, they are uploaded to Manchester’s YouTube channel. While these videos typically come from Marketing, the channel is not exclusive and welcomes videos from other sources if they meet standards for quality and integrity. Marketing staff manages the channel and requests for uploads should be directed to marketing@trhcn.com

Marketing Request
Event/Calendar Request
Photo/Video Request
Business Card Request

Manchester University Flickr Photos
Manchester University Photos on Flickr

Student Activities Flickr Photos
Student Activities Photos on Flickr

Athletic Photos on Flickr
Athletic Photos on Flickr